What is a Call to Action, what are the best ways to use it?

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Call to Action - Mass Web Design

What is a Call to Action, what are the best ways to use it? Calls to action (CTAs) that get people to do what you want them to do on a landing page are the most popular. Here are some of the most commonly used calls to action:

  1. “Buy Now” or “Sign Up Now”: These CTAs are often used on e-commerce sites or subscription services where the goal is to get the visitor to make a purchase or sign up for a service.
  2. “Learn More” is a call-to-action that is used to give visitors more information before they take the next step.
  3. “Download Now”: This call-to-action is used to get people to download something, like a whitepaper or ebook.
  4. “Request a Quote”: This call-to-action is often used on websites that offer services and where the visitor needs to ask for a quote or estimate.
  5. “Get Started” is a common call-to-action (CTA) on websites that offer free trials or demos.
  6. “Join Now” is a common call-to-action on websites that offer memberships or subscriptions.
  7. “Contact Us”: This call-to-action is used when a visitor wants to get in touch with the company to ask a question or get more information.

How well a call-to-action (CTA) works will depend on the goals of the landing page and the tastes of the audience. It’s important to try out different calls to action (CTAs) to see which ones get the best results and then adjust the landing page to match.

What is a Call to Action, and what are the best ways to use it?

Calls to Action: How to Get People to Take Action

Calls to action (CTAs) are an important part of any marketing plan that works. A call to action (CTA) is a message that tells a visitor to do something, like fill out a form, sign up for a newsletter, or buy something. CTAs are used to lead visitors to a conversion, which is the end goal of any marketing campaign.

The importance of a CTA

A call to action (CTA) is an important part of a landing page or website because it helps visitors become customers. Visitors might not know what to do next if there isn’t a clear and effective call to action (CTA). This could lead to missed opportunities for conversions.

CTAs help make people feel like they need to act quickly and encourage them to do so. They make it easy for visitors to move through the sales funnel by making it clear what the next step should be.

Different kinds of CTAs

There are many different kinds of calls-to-action (CTAs) that can be used to get visitors to convert. Here are some common calls to action:

  1. CTAs with buttons: These are the most common type of CTA and can be found on landing pages and websites. They are usually different from the rest of the page and are used to get people to do something, like buy something or sign up for a newsletter.
  2. Text CTAs are less common than other types of CTAs, but they can be useful for some types of marketing campaigns. They are often used in limited-space email marketing or social media campaigns.
  3. Pop-up CTAs: Pop-up CTAs are becoming more and more popular, and they are often used to get the attention of visitors. You can use them to promote special deals, get people to sign up for a newsletter, or invite people to a web inar or event.
  4. Image CTAs: Websites or landing pages with visual content, like infographics or videos, often use image CTAs. They can be useful for getting people to do something specific, like download something or buy something.
  5. Video CTAs: On websites or landing pages with videos, video CTAs are often used. They can be useful for getting people to do something after watching a video, like buy something or sign up for a newsletter.
What is a Call to Action, and what are the best ways to use it?

Parts of a good call to action

A good CTA should be clear, short, and appealing to look at. It should be easy to find and stand out from the rest of the page. Here are some things to think about when making a good CTA:

  1. Clarity: The call to action (CTA) should make it clear what the visitor needs to do, like “Download Now” or “Sign Up for Our Newsletter.”
  2. Urgency: The CTA should make people feel like they need to act right away and encourage them to do so. By using phrases like “Limited Time Offer” or “Only X Left,” you can make people feel like they need to act quickly.
  3. Placement: The call to action (CTA) should be near the top of the page or at the end of a blog post, where it will be seen.
  4. Design: The call to action (CTA) should look good and stand out from the rest of the page. Using colours that don’t go together or big fonts can help the CTA stand out.
  5. Text: The text of the call to action (CTA) should be convincing and encourage visitors to take action. Using action-oriented language like “Start Now” or “Join Today” can be a good way to get people to do something.

Tips for CTAs that Work

When making CTAs, here are some best practises to keep in mind:

  1. Write a clear, short message: Make sure the call to action is clear and easy to understand. Don’t use jargon or technical terms that visitors might not understand.
  2. Make people feel like they need to act now. Use phrases like “Limited Time Offer” or “Last Chance” that make people feel like they need to act now.
  3. Make the CTA look good. Use bold fonts or colours that contrast with each other to make the CTA stand out on the page.
  4. Keep it above the fold: Put the call to action above the fold so people can see it without having to scroll down the page.
  5. Test and improve: Try out different versions of the call to action (CTA) to see which one works best. A/B testing lets you compare different versions of the CTA to find out which one works best.
What is a Call to Action, and what are the best ways to use it?


CTAs are an important part of any marketing campaign that works. They make it clear to visitors what they should do next, which helps guide them towards a conversion. You can make it more likely for visitors to take the desired action by using clear, concise language, creating a sense of urgency, and making CTAs that look good. Make sure you test and tweak your CTAs to make sure they work as well as possible.

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